About Me
Hiring Heavy Construction Equipment

Hiring heavy construction equipment is something that I have recently learnt a lot about. I do not work in the construction industry, but last year, I decided that I would complete a dream of mine. I had always wanted to construct a monument to a friend of mine who passed away a few years ago. The monument would be around 50 feet high and would be in the shape of a large owl, which was my friends favourite animal. However, in order to construct this, I realised I would need cranes and earth moving equipment. My friend Barry who works in construction helped me to locate the equipment I needed and ensured that I understood how to get a good price and how to find trained people who could help me to achieve my objective. I hope you like my blog and that it helps you.


All about the Electric Ride Suspension Systems for Trucks Seats

5 February 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Truck suspension systems are necessary for countering whole body vibrations when driving a truck. Whole-body vibrations occur when shocks and spikes of energy are transferred from the wheel and body frame to the driver's cabin. If left unchecked, whole-body vibrations affect the driver's health and lower his ability to react when driving. Truck seat suspension systems should be good at absorbing all the vibration, leaving the driver comfortable, healthy and alert. Read More …

3 Hydraulic Equipment Repair Tips for New Construction Business Owners

3 February 2018
 Categories: , Blog

If you have started a construction business in Australia recently, then you should know that non-residential and infrastructural development sectors are expected to grow, based on projections. If the positive outlook is anything to go by, then your business should witness steady growth; however, as with all other startups, keeping expenses low should be a primary objective. Management of running costs entails paying attention to repair and maintenance of construction equipment. Read More …