Two ways to extend the lifespan of your forklift

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Hiring Heavy Construction Equipment

Hiring heavy construction equipment is something that I have recently learnt a lot about. I do not work in the construction industry, but last year, I decided that I would complete a dream of mine. I had always wanted to construct a monument to a friend of mine who passed away a few years ago. The monument would be around 50 feet high and would be in the shape of a large owl, which was my friends favourite animal. However, in order to construct this, I realised I would need cranes and earth moving equipment. My friend Barry who works in construction helped me to locate the equipment I needed and ensured that I understood how to get a good price and how to find trained people who could help me to achieve my objective. I hope you like my blog and that it helps you.


Two ways to extend the lifespan of your forklift

12 February 2018
 Categories: , Blog

If you own a forklift and want it to keep it in good condition for as long as possible, here are two things you can do to extend its lifespan.

Take steps to prevent the equipment from toppling over

One of the best ways to ensure that your forklift remains in excellent condition for years to come is to take steps to prevent it from toppling over whilst it is in use.

The reason for this is as follows; forklifts are extremely heavy. As such, if this type of equipment tips over, it will usually hit the ground with great force.

This kind of forceful impact could do an enormous amount of damage to a forklift's external and internal components. It could, for example, cause its forks to buckle or the windows of its cab to shatter. It could also lead to the engine components snapping off or cause one or more of the forklift's hydraulic fluid lines to tear.

This damage could cost thousands of dollars to repair. In fact, in this situation, buying a new forklift may end up being less expensive than paying to have the existing equipment repaired.

As such, it is crucial to do what you can to minimise the risk of your equipment falling over. There are a few ways to do this. Firstly, when the forklift is being used near a trench on a construction site, make sure that there is someone on the ground who can supervise the operation.

This person can alert the equipment operator if they accidentally drive the forklift too close to the edge of the trench. This, in turn, can prevent the forklift from tipping over the edge and falling into the trench.

Secondly, the person operating the forklift should try to avoid turning it around on a gradient, as this could easily throw the forklift off balance and lead to it toppling over.

Make sure it is inspected before it is used

Inspecting your forklift before using it could significantly reduce the chances of it developing a major fault that will shorten its lifespan.

For example, if your forklift's hydraulic fluid line develops a hole that causes the hydraulic liquid inside of it to leak out, and you fail to notice and fix this because you forgot to inspect the equipment before using it, there could be disastrous consequences.

In this situation, the low levels of hydraulic fluid could lead to the elevated forks, and the materials they are transporting, plummeting to the ground. This could leave the forks damaged beyond repair.

As such, whilst inspecting the equipment may be somewhat time-consuming, it could spare you the stress and great expense of replacing a severely-damaged forklift.